Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Gender and the Media Essay Example for Free

Gender and the Media Essay Socialisation is the way an identity is defined throughout life for a person. Children are seen a blank slate that is going to have a personality and roles set by the environment he lives in. A child generally has an idea on what gender they are by the time they are 2 years old. A boy will portray himself with the colour blue, would be very hyperactive and tend to bully girls. Females would be more mature, refer themselves to the colour pink and socialise with other girls, this is called primary socialisation. Personalities are defined through interactions with people that are close to them, there societys values and they learn the attributes of their sex at a young age and they know what is expected of them as a certain sex. The person is reinforced by social praise and punishment so the person can learn from mistakes and good deeds. Media has played a massive part on how socialisation as occurred to an individual. I am directly concerned with how the media affects young women within todays society, particularly through the use of gender stereotyping within young womens magazines, mainly through articles and advertisements. Here, the ideas and beliefs already created by the media are useful to advertisers because they are socially accepted ideologies. They know that they will influence women. It has been stated in the past that it is these media interpretations of The Perfect Woman that have been the cause for so many women becoming increasingly pressured into looking good and so dieting, keeping fit etc. This can, in extreme cases lead to serious psychological diseases such as anorexia and bulimia, where one of the main causes has been identified as social pressure. Society affects how people perceive themselves, Body Image awareness still exists in our society. Many people living on our society are influenced by the media and the fashion industry. Both are equally responsible for the increased number of people suffering from eating disorders. Fashion industries tend to only feature whose figures vary from eight to ten. Their androgynous waif-like figures are presented as representative of the everyday woman. In doing so the average woman in the street is forced to measure herself against an unrealistic ideal. Most models are above average height, have naturally lithe bodies and are aged between sixteen and thirty. Their image is constructed and manipulated by a predominately male homosexual industry which appears reluctant to show women as curvaceous individuals. Celebrities themselves fall foul of the dominant media representation of women. When society thinks of a family we automatically think of the nuclear family in which there is a mum, dad and often two or three children. This type is seen as the statistical norm until the 1980s where it was considered abnormal to deviate from this ideal family type and there were characteristics that came with this which were seen as socially acceptable. Children were seen as the outcome of a loving heterosexual couple and each person i. e. the mum and dad should have distinctive roles within the family. The mother should be concerned with motherhood and household chores. The father should protect the family and be a disciplinary role model, as well as their main role being defined as the breadwinner, this meaning they often bring in the most money. The mother should be the housekeeper who attians the house and looks after the children as they grow up. A young male would grow up learning the princilpes of the father and the young female would grow up adobting the mather principles. Post modernism shows that gender is the main topic in an individuals life as events that have occurred are directly linked to a individuals gender. Post modernism gives the individual more choice and that is the basis of post modernism, choice! The individual is more independent on their life choices; such old life ambitions of marriage and children are not compulsory but are a option that some people may seek. Unlike pre modernism and modernity where marriage and kids are ultimate goals and people automatically assume that this is the right path to follow. This gives way to new events that once were either not existent or unethical such as unisex and inter-racial marriages. It shows a deterioration of religion and supernatural belief, which leaves great division among people in identity and lifestyles. People are now working more flexible times, fashion has changed in such away that people can wear what they want, food is more oriental and music comes in a wide variety. Identity has separated into many huge groups such as social classes, ethnic group, age and gender. This leads to unrest to certain groups that want change as people now have a sense of spreading opinion and arguing their rights. Certain groups such as feminists, Marxist ideology and ageist rights. As choice and individual opinion now can be widely credited it gives chance for concern to be broadcasted such as the feminist supporters wanting females to be treated as equals among men. The first wave of feminism gave people the ideology in 1928 when they got the vote, which provoked the idea of gaining more such as the 2nd wave of feminism in the 1960s when women burned the bras, this caused great reasoning between the two gender differences. Karl Marx however says that society not the individual is the important issue as that eventually the working class will soon rule society. This radical change has brought in new changes such as the new man that is a unique gender that of a masculine and unemotional male, the new man focuses on his physical appearance and pays attention to diet, personality and self image, he is more emotional and doesnt fit in with a patriarchy idea. As post modernism has totally effected todays society it shows how an individual can make all the differences and how self concern and freedom is the new ideal but this idea could change and evidence suggests that it could lead to pre modernism of the old age as though it is a long term cycle of a society but critics say this is the final situation of society and the end solution is total equality among genders, races and age. This idea of choice could lead in any direction depending on current affairs within society yet time is not a important issue as this process could last a log time.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Grooms Character :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Groom's Character Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. I am going to keep this speech fairly short because of my throat; the bride said that if I made fun of the groom too much she would cut it. Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank the groom for those kind words and gifts. As I'm sure you will all agree, they all look absolutely beautiful and have carried out their role splendidly, so I think a round of applause for the bridesmaids is definitely in order. Just before I start the groom's character assassination, the bride was telling me earlier in the day that her pharmacy was broken into last week. The thief apparently stole ten boxes of condoms and ten boxes of viagra. The police are now looking for a hardened criminal. Next day a woman walks into the shop and asks her for some bottom deodorant, puzzled she replies, "I'm sorry we don't sell such a thing, "I beg your pardon" says the woman. â€Å"I buy it from here all the time.† "Do you have the empty container from the last time." enquires the bride. "Yes I do†, says the woman and she walks out to her car, then comes back in with an empty deodorant stick. "This isn't a bottom deodorant madam, it’s just a normal deodorant stick." The woman snatches it out of her hands and reads aloud. "To apply take off lid and push up bottom.† The groom was born in 1975, a year when the Khmer Rouge invaded Cambodia and Saigon surrendered to the North Vietnamese. So it’s true what they say, these things always happen in threes. He went to St. Serfs school were he was a rather quiet pupil, until of course, as anyone who knows him, he stepped onto the soccer pitch. He shunned the roll of forward for the more unorthodox "bare knuckle boxer† and "chief shin kicker† role, it was novelty for him to be on the pitch a whole ninety minutes, never mind score goals. He then went on to play for Prestonfield Boys Club and then Napier University football team. Sadly this was to be the end of his sporting career, as this was when he discovered alcohol and women. After school the groom worked in a Saturday job at Homebase. I spoke to an old work colleague who was only too happy to tell me of his time there.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Renaissance and Reformation

Renaissance and Reformation Test Humanism- Classical texts from the Greek and Roman culture lead to humanism. Humanism focused on human potential and achievements. People stopped worrying about Christian teachings. Influenced artists and architects. History, Literature, and Philosophy are humanities subjects. Secular- People became concerned with the here and now Predestination- Calling's book/doctrine; Institutes of the Christian Religion states that everyone is sinful by nature and God has known from the beginning who he will save. Council of Trend- Pope Paul Ill 4th step toward reform was to call a great council of hurt leaders to Trend.Catholic Bishops and Cardinals agreed on several doctrines: 1) Church interpretation of the bible was final anyone who substituted there ideas was a heretic 2) Christians need faith and good works for salvation 3) The Bible and church traditions were both as powerful for guidance 4)luncheons were valid expressions of faith Annul- Divorce was not al lowed however the pope could annul the mirage which meaner to find proof that the mirage was never legal in the first place Recant-to take back a statement you made about something Indulgence- you pay money for an indulgence and it will take away our sin Patron-Popes who beautified the cities by spending large amounts of money 95 thesis- Luther wrote 95 theses that he thought the church should change which lead to reformation- a movement for religious reform. His teaching had 3 main ideas: 1) People could win salvation by ONLY with faith in god, the church taught that faith and â€Å"good workers† were needed for salvation 2) All church teachings should be based on the bible.The pope and church traditions were false authorities 3) All people with faith were equal therefore people didn't need priests to interpret the bible for them Edict of Worms- King Charles declared Luther of an outlaw and heretic, no one was supposed to give him food or shelter and his books were to be bur ned. However Prince Frederick gave him shelter in a castle and people began to follow his sayings; priests wore regular clothes and called themselves misters, led service in German not Latin and some ministers married, which created a new religious group called the Lutheran instead of seeking reforms against the Catholic Church.Protestant- A Christian who is not Catholic Peace of Suburbs- German princes decided if there state would be catholic or rottenest Act of Supremacy- English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the â€Å"Supreme Head† of the Church of England not the pope Anabaptist- Believed that people shouldn't be baptized into the Christian faith as children because they were not old enough to decide if they wanted to be Christian; taught that the church and the state should be separate, and they refused to fight wars.Viewing Anabaptists as radicals who threatened society both Catholics and Protestants persecuted them Peasants Revolt-peasants were excite d by Lather's revolutionary ideas and demanded an end to serfdom. The revolt horrified Luther so Luther wrote a pamphlet urging the German Princes to show no mercy, the army crushed the revolt massacring over 100,000 people. Feeling betrayed by Luther many peasants rejected his religious leadership.However through his writings he remained influential People Igniting of Loyola- Catholic reformer, wrote the Spiritual Exercises that laid out a day by day plan of meditation, prayer, and study. The pope made Igniting a religious order called the Society of Jesus Members were called Jesuits- concentrated on 3 ideas: 1) Founded schools throughout Europe. 2) Convert non-Christians toCatholicism 2) Stop Protestantism from spreading Johann Gutenberg- Reinvented movable type and the printing press- machine that presses paper against a tray full of inked movable type created the first completed bible called the Gutenberg Bible Johann Tested- Was raising money to rebuild SST. Pewter's Cathedral in Rome, he did this by selling indulgences, he gave the impression that by buying indulgences you could buy your way to heaven Martin Luther: Against Tested for selling indulgences Wrote 95 thesis attacking â€Å"Pardon Merchants† Believed you can only win salvation through faith and forgiveness of GodExcommunicated by Pope Leo X Charles V issued the Edict of Worms declaring Luther as a heretic, but Prince Frederick sheltered him in a castle Translated the New Testament to German Lutheran were his followers John Calvin: Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion which expressed ideas about God, salvation, and human nature Called the few people that God chooses to save the â€Å"elect†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved-predestination Calvinist Ruled Geneva, Switzerland with theocracy (government ruled by religious leaders) Geneva was a city of high moral because of how strict he wasHenry VIII: Married to Catherine of Argon and has a dau ghter named Mary but wants a divorce so he can have a son to be the heir to the throne Pope refused to annul his marriage so he called together a session with the reformation Parliament and asked to pass a set of laws that ended the pope's power in England Act of Supremacy made the king the head of the Church of England, not the pope Closed monasteries and increased total power Anne had a daughter named Elizabeth so he imprisoned her in a tower and beheaded her 3rd wife gave him his son, Edward Erasmus:Christian humanist from Holland who wrote The Praise of Folly which made fun of greedy merchants, heartsick lovers, quarrelsome scholars, and pompous priests Believes in Christianity of the heart Wrote in Latin In order to improve society, all people should study the Bible Catherine of Argon- Married to Henry VII never had a boy so Henry wanted to annul the marriage at first the pope said no because she did not want to offend the Holy Roman Empire Charles V but later after Henry VII p ut in the Act of Supremacy- Made the English King the head of church not the pope the marriage was annulled Pope Leo X- excommunicated Luther after 95 thesis Artists: Donated- Made sculptures more realistic by carving natural postures and expressions carved the statue David Leonardo De Vinci- Artistic scientist, painted Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, A True â€Å"Renaissance Man† Raphael- Learned from Leonardo De Vinci and Michelangelo, Painted the walls of Julius II Library, Painted School of Athens, conveys the classical literature of the Renaissance and shows classical and Renaissance figures together Michelangelo- Sculpted David second, glorified the human body and explored Renaissance theme of human potential, minted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Scientific artist, true â€Å"Renaissance man† Jan Van Check- Italian Renaissance, Oil-based Paintings very realistic Writers: Machiavelli- Wrote The Prince which said a prince must be strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox, he might have to trick his enemy's and even his own people for the good of the state, he was not concerned with the morally right but with the politically effective Castigation-published The Courtier with the help of Aviators Cologne Sir Thomas Moore- Christian Humanists, he was concerned with society's flaws, wrote Utopia about an imaginary land inhabited by a peace-loving people.In Greek Utopia meaner â€Å"no place† but in English it has come to mean ideal place because of Mores book Vocal Perspective- AD art Vernacular- Native language Anglican- Anglican Church= only legal Church of England Elizabeth was head of Church Presbyterian-Followers of John Knox; he was a preacher from Scotland whom spread the teaching of John Calvin and made Calvinist Scotland official religion Catholic Reformation- Helping Catholics remain loyal to the church Questions: The Renaissance began in Italy because of thriving cities, a wealthy merchant class, and the classical heritage of Gree ce and Rome. England lagged behind because of the bubonic plague and the 100 years' war.A perfect Renaissance Man- Charming, witty, well-educated, Dance, sing, play music, write poetry, skilled rider, wrestler, swordsman, self-controlled Northern vs.. Southern Renaissance Art: Northern: Focused only on Religion; about landscapes and the lifestyles of people Southern: more secular; Greek and Roman mythologies, about gods and goddesses Catholic Reformation took steps like having the Society of Jesus, Jesuits, and the Council of Trend to address the Protestant Reformation 4 movements that made up the Reformation: . 3. 4. What changes did this bring to Europe? Of Prohibited books- Institutes of Christian Religion- Index Sarandon- Patriarch- Velasquez- What city was the center of the Renaissance? Florence, Italy What type of art was the focus of the Renaissance?Realism (sometimes using Biblical scenes) The merchant family named Renaissance. Medici was important at the beginning of the Wh o led the split away from the Catholic Church in England? Henry VIII Why did England split from the church? The King wanted a male heir so he needed to divorce his wife What country did the Protestant reformation start in? Germany (Martin Luther in Wattenberg) How was the printing press crucial to Martin Luther? He could spread his beliefs more efficiently This movement resulted from the Protestant Reformation. It was an attempt to change the Catholic Church to better meet the needs of its followers. Catholic Reformation 1 .Reasons that the Renaissance originated on the Italian peninsula include all of the following EXCEPT the peninsula's A. Geographic location B. Political organization C. Religion D. Social structure E. Economic structure 2. Which of the following is NOT a Renaissance value? A. Mastery of ancient languages B. Derogate of the arts C. Scholarly achievement D. Proficiency in the military arts E. Civic duty 3. Renaissance humanism A. Devalued mastery of ancient languag es B. Urged the development of a single talent to perfection C. Valued ancient philosophers as the final authorities on all matters D. Denied the existence of God E. Valued scholarship for its own sake and for the glory it brought the city-state 4.The belief that by cultivating the finest qualities of their beings, human beings could commune with God was a conclusion of A. Guileless B. Manipulations C. The lay piety movement D. The Catholic Church in Renaissance Italy E. The doge 5. Which of the following was NOT a factor that contributed to the Renaissance artistic achievement? A. The patronage of the pope B. The invasion of Italy by the French C. The competitive spirit of competing elites D. The apprentice system E. The lack of separation between artistic and commercial aspects of the Renaissance art world 6. Which of the following did NOT enable the spread of the Renaissance? A. The Treaty of Load B.Manila's invitation to Charles VIII to bring troops to Italy C. The printing pres s D. Students and teachers migrating in and out of the Italian peninsula E. The lay piety pavement 7. Renaissance art A. Was characterized by the severe specialization of its artists B. Was characterized by religious subject matter C. Abandoned painting in favor of sculpture D. Was characterized by its concern for the human form E. Did not require patrons 8. Northern humanism A. Was less secular than Italian humanism B. Linked scholarship and learning with religious piety C. Criticized the notion that priests were required to understand the Bible D. Contributed to the Reformation E. All of the above 1 .

Saturday, January 4, 2020

International Economics and U.s. Exports - 1794 Words

Chapter 2 International Flow of Funds Lecture Outline Balance of Payments Current Account Capital and Financial Accounts International Trade Flows Distribution of U.S. Exports and Imports U.S. Balance of Trade Trend International Trade Issues Events That Increase International Trade Trade Friction Factors Affecting International Trade Flows Impact of Inflation Impact of National Income Impact of Government Policies Impact of Exchange Rates Interaction of Factors Correcting a Balance of Trade Deficit Why a Weak Home Currency is not a Perfect Solution International Capital Flows Distribution of DFI by U.S. Firms Distribution of DFI in the U.S. Factors†¦show more content†¦importers would have more seriously considered purchasing their goods in the U.S. if most or all currencies simultaneously strengthened against the dollar. Conversely, if some currencies weaken against the dollar, the U.S. importers may have simply shifted their importing from one foreign country to another. 6. Demand for Exports. A relatively small U.S. balance of trade deficit is commonly attributed to a strong demand for U.S. exports. What do you think is the underlying reason for the strong demand for U.S. exports? ANSWER: The strong demand for U.S. exports is commonly attributed to strong foreign economies or to a weak dollar. 7. Impact on International Trade. Why do you think international trade volume has increased over time? In general, how are inefficient firms affected by the reduction in trade restrictions among countries and the continuous increase in international trade? ANSWER. International trade volume has increased because of the reduction in trade restrictions over time. It may have also increased for many other reasons, such as increased information flow (via Internet etc.) between firms in different countries. Inefficient firms are adversely affected if they have to face tougher competition from foreign firms as a result of a reduction in trade restrictions. 8. Effects of the Euro. Explain how the existence of the euro may affect U.S. international trade. ANSWER: The euro allowed for a single currency among manyShow MoreRelatedU.s. Trade Agreements And Trade Agreement1108 Words   |  5 Pagesrepresents the percentage of the United States exports of goods and services to trade agreement partners. The United States have agreed that the 20 Free Trade Agreement partner countries are the most important market for exports from U.S. Table 1 below lists top seven goods and services, industrial area classification and each of their exported value of goods and services in the dollars (in billions). Table 1 U.S. Goods Exports to FTA Partners-Top 7 Billion U.S. Dollars, 2014 Petroleum Coal ProductsRead MoreThe Change During The 19 Century And Advancement Of Technology954 Words   |  4 PagesThe change during the 19 century and advancement of technology created a gateway for international trade which has become essential for the growth of globalization. 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